Pet Surgery and Dentistry Services
Surgical Care Services for your Pets. Our experienced veterinarians can provide most small animal soft tissue surgery services in our well-equipped facility. Pet Surgery and Dentistry Services include dental examinations, dental extractions, and oral surgery. Dental cleanings and procedures are paramount to keeping your pet healthy.
Our veterinarians provide routine soft tissue surgical services for your pets. We have a well-equipped surgery with safe anesthetic machines and anesthetic monitoring equipment. IV fluids, pre-anesthetic blood work, pain medicines, and anesthetic agents are tailored to your pet’s needs.
If your pet requires a special surgical procedure, our veterinarians will refer you to the appropriate specialist that will best serve your pet’s surgery and dentistry services needs.
Pet Dental Cleanings and Procedures
Keeping your pet’s mouth healthy is paramount in keeping your pet healthy. Dental disease can lead to heart, lung, and kidney disease. Brushing your pet’s teeth several times a week can help prevent tartar build-up. Feeding tartar control treats or special diets can also help. Routine cleanings can prevent the need for extractions, and help prevent bad breath.
During your pet’s physical the veterinarian looks in your pet’s mouth to see if there are problems such as tartar, tumors, and broken or missing teeth. When indicated, your veterinarian will recommend dentistry. This procedure is done under anesthesia and is treated similarly to surgery. Preanesthetic blood work, IV fluids, and other precautions may be needed. Antibiotics and pain medication are given. Pets are dropped off in the morning and stay for the day.
We offer routine cleaning and polishing, extractions, and doxirobe gingival treatments.